I recently created a new gallery wall in my home. I had long wanted to put a collection of original and prints of international locales together in my home. I had been collecting these for years and thought they would hang together nicely if I could just find the time and space to do it. My home is already floor to ceiling in art so finding the space was a challenge. But after buying a rug and realizing EVERYTHING in the room was going to have to be moved in order to put it down, I thought, this is my chance! So, I moved all furniture; painted all the walls, and began my “global collection,” on the now free wall space!
This began my thinking about my art collection. When I teach my art classes I feel it is important to let my students know that I collected art for many, many years before I began to paint. I think it is one of the “tell-tale” signs of a “closet artist.” [Julia Cameron calls them “Shadow Artists.” Those who migrate toward art, collect it, love it, admire it, admire artists, etc… very often, those who do this are artists themselves – they just haven’t pursued their craft.] Picasso has said that all children are artists – the secret is how to stay one as we grow into adulthood.
So, for March, I would like to begin a journey into my art collection and the delight I have found in meeting artists and promoting their work. I love artists. I love how brave you have to be to “put yourself out there,” as it were, into the world for everyone to see; to love or critique. I love the soul that goes into creating art. I love the passion. Meeting artists, seeking them out and learning from them has been a great joy to me. But one of my favorite things to do is to buy their art & support an artist and to introduce them to others.
I hope this will be both educational and enjoyable as I introduce you to some of my favorite people.
Artfully Yours,
