"Good morning, yesterday, you wake up and time has slipped away, and suddenly it's hard to find, the memories you left behind, Remember, Do you remember? The laughter and the tears? The shadows of misty yesteryears? the good times and the bad you've seen? And the others in between, Remember? Do you remember the times of your life?" Written by Bill Lane and Roger Nichols. Recorded by Paul Anka, 1975
When my Mom begins cleaning out closets, attics, or drawers, she inevitable uncovers the most wonderful moments of our childhood. this week was no different. Perhaps my 13th birthday party, which included a splash in our pond in an inflatable boat and a whole lot of fun, was the order of the day.
My cousin Brenda Floyd Brantley, on the far right was maybe one of my first best friends. This is how it often is with cousins. We were only a year apart and I looked up to her. She was being raised by her great grandmother, Clara Belle Floyd, who is also the woman who raised my Mom. Many days were spent building forts and walking the "branch," behind her home.

Susan White Treadaway is the 2nd from the right. We both lived in North Forest Beach on Hilton Head. We were cheerleaders in the Little league Gators Program. We had many slumber parties ad I learned every word of Barbra Streisand's song "Second Hand Rose," as we played dress up and belted it out - Susan, of course, being the better songstress. But one of the things I remember clearest is a day when we knelt beside her bed and prayed for all classmates. I remember it felt like we were doing something BIG. And now, I know it was.
Ellen Winn, second from left, was a newfound friend when I entered 4th grade at Sea Pines Academy. I don't remember what brought us together, but I remember our friendship and the silly things we did. But there were also serious things. We both went through Confirmation at the Presbyterian Church on Hilton Head under Elder Ben Racusin. I didn't understand what I was doing, really, but I knew it was serious, and holy and I now see it as an important step on my journey of faith.
With the advent of Facebook I have the opportunity to say hello and watch their lives even if from afar. Susan is close by and we have had the opportunity to reconnect and it is a sweet time when we can see each other face to face.
And me, that silly girl on the left with the funny smirk on her face... She had no idea what the future would bring, and mostly, none of us do, but it was her birthday and what else was she supposed to do but be silly and have the time of her life.
And she did. I remember.
With Love,

P.S. Girls, Maybe we should do a re-enactment photo!