Drawings by children always intrigue and delight me. There is something honest about them. Often, they are hilariously accurate. And sometimes, hilariously inaccurate! I remember one of my son’s first drawings of me had rainbows on my forehead. I thought it was so cute because I love rainbows. Then I asked him about it. I found out that my “confused face” actually created a rainbow effect of wrinkles on my forehead. I nearly cried wondering if I looked at him this way so often that he thought that was the normal contours of my face!
This week my children presented me with “sketches” they had done.

The simplicity of the pencil sketch, and the phrase, “The art in you,” just touched my heart. These are things that a mother keeps. These are images and memories that warm my heart and remind me of these simple days.
Which brings me to my topic: Collecting images. As I was working on my insight collage a couple days ago, there were several images, and articles that intrigued me, but that were too large for the actual collage. Sometimes the idea may be too trim it down to size for use on the collage – but other times it may be used for an “Image File.”
An “Image File” is just what it sounds like. A file, folder, or box where you keep pictures, articles, etc. that inspire you. Images that you look at that spark an idea, or a series for the future. It may be something educational that you want to review at a later date. It may be a vision of something you would want to explore. Sometimes it is simply an idea whose time has not yet come.
In the world of cell phone cameras, many of us are collecting inspirational images all day long. We just do it by way of snapping a picture. And this is a great idea. What I usually do is take the picture then I email it to myself for easy downloading to a file on my computer.
The images of my collage “Red, White, and Blue,” were inspiring to me in several different ways.
One, the collage took an artistic “temperature,” for me. The collage revealed to me that though I am not creating a lot of “fine art” right now, I am still hopeful about art as a part of my life. Discerning the seasons in your life can be difficult. My temptation is to be discouraged that I am not creating visual art, but I have been very satisfied discovering my artistic writing side.
Two, intrigued by the Red, White and Blue I am considering a new visual art series about it. Maybe even exploring textiles. The quilt in the center was amazing and truly made me want to get the sewing machine out!
Three, the vibrant energy of the whole created a sense of excitement in me for the dreams that I have that are yet to be. Specifically, my trip to Paris for the marathon and the long dreamed about trip to Paris with family and friends for a month. Visual images like these stimulate my mind to begin making more concrete plans for what might be. It has awakened ideas like “Why don’t I begin some French lessons with the children?” and “Maybe I should revisit the VRBO and Air BnB site to look for long term rentals.”
These are just a few thoughts I have had since completing the collage and spending a few days writing and reflecting on it.
The art really is in you. Give it a whirl!
Finding Joy in the Journey,
